Vizrt Viz Trio Go, a new broadcast graphics tool, combines compact hardware with the functionality of Vizrt’s graphics control application Viz Trio and Viz Engine compositing engine.

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Vizrt Viz Trio Go, a new broadcast graphics creation and control tool, combines compact hardware with the functionality and features of the graphics control application Viz Trio and Viz Engine, Vizrt’s graphics engine. The combined system carries out a full set of graphics production tasks via NDI workflows.

Viz Trio Go has been designed with smaller production studios in mind, in order to give local and regional stations or OB van operations access to broadcast-standard graphics software at an affordable price. With Viz Engine embedded in the system, users can preview their projects as they work.

"Historically, the regional and other types of smaller broadcasters have worked with limited budgets and resources – often, one staff member wears many hats. We realize the challenges these stations face, as well as the fact that to remain competitive in the current landscape, they must deliver content that is visually engaging, similar to larger broadcasters," said Ionut Pogacean, Senior Product Manager, Vizrt.

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With Viz Trio Go, high-quality visual assets are less contingent on budget or technical expertise, which makes it suitable for broadcasters of most sizes, and it works well with Tricaster productions. Its plug-and-play nature helps make integration with existing workflows more straightforward and, by reducing the need for training or additional personnel, users can go to air faster.

Viz Trio Go is supplied with free customizable graphics packages that are modelled after recognisable sports and news broadcasters. The templates are modifiable using Viz Artist real-time 3D motion graphics design software, which is included in the license, developed to build scenes for many types of media production, including virtual sets. The output resolution is 1080p.

The user only needs to create graphics once, and then send the content to multiple platforms simultaneously. Viz Trio’s Datacenter data integration tool connects incoming live data fields in scenes to data sources, to populate the graphics in real-time with information such as voting data, match scores and player facts – without coding. The Transition Logic features in Viz Trio Go manage how scenes interact to create a harmonious visual style and story.

Viz trio Go sports

Preparing graphics playlists ahead of time is more practical now. Data can be changed quickly during a live show, or the scripting function used to input your data. Viz Trio Go’s features make it straightforward to use the templates in the graphics software, or for users who need more control or already have graphics skills, Viz Artist can be used to build templates.

To support new users in learning Viz Trio Go, Viz University has created a free course, immediately available to users.