Signiant joins the Trusted Partner Network after successfully completing a TPN App and Cloud Gold Shield assessment to help counter ongoing security threats and keep content secure.

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Signiant has joined the Trusted Partner Network and successfully completed a TPN App and Cloud Gold Shield assessment. The TPN is part of a broader Motion Picture Association (MPA) initiative to raise security capabilities throughout the industry, while generating efficiencies for participants to counter ongoing security threats and keep content secure.

Signiant’s TPN Gold assessment was conducted by Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), a TPN-accredited assessor with a long track record as a respected independent third-party technology evaluator in the media industry. Third-party assessment by a certified assessor is differentiated via a gold shield vs. self-assessment represented by a blue shield. The resulting security report is now available to TPN Studio members.

“Signiant has been the trusted broker of content exchange across complex media supply chains that include Hollywood studios, broadcasters, streaming services and more,” said Ian Hamilton, CTO for Signiant. “While prior to February 2023 the TPN only managed site assessments, we saw a great opportunity as a SaaS vendor to leverage the new TPN App and Cloud assessment.

“TPN Studio members can now view the results of our security assessment through the TPN+ platform in a standard format. Signiant has been working with ISE to conduct independent third-party security evaluations for over ten years. With ISE’s recent accreditation as a TPN App and Cloud assessor, we saw this as a logical time to add the TPN to the list of security initiatives we participate in.”

“We’re excited to have Signiant, a SaaS innovator in our industry, join the TPN membership. Secure content exchange is mission-critical to the media supply chain and we applaud Signiant’s efforts to ensure their products are as secure as possible and meet or exceed the high standards outlined by the MPA,” said Terri Davies, President of the TPN. “Through the TPN and participating companies like Signiant, content creators have a centralized and recognized source of security measures included in any listed product. This centralized, coordinated record saves time and resources for producers who conduct independent security audits.”