Nevion’s media orchestration platform, VideoIPath, can now route flows between processing resources in the cloud, including launching and shutting down of resources on the fly.

Nevion Sony networked Live SIC

Nevion has extended the cloud capabilities of its media orchestration platform, VideoIPath, to enable routing of flows between processing resources in the cloud, including launching and shutting down those resources, as needed. This functionality not only enables direct hybrid live production workflows involving ground and cloud resources, but also makes sure that cloud resources are only running when needed. Organisations can take better advantage of pay-per-use cloud business models by lowering the costs and the environmental footprint.

Nevion VideoIPath is a key component of Sony’s Networked Live services and is deployed by broadcasters and telecom service providers in diverse applications, including contribution, remote production, facilities, OB trucks and ground-to-cloud, cloud-to-ground (GCCG) scenarios. Networked Live facilitates access to and use of resources for live production through hybrid connectivity, on-premises and in the cloud. As an open system, VideoIPath can be integrated into existing environments, with interfaces to nearly any type of device or equipment, and support for common control surfaces.

In recent years, the many cloud-related capabilities added to Nevion VideoIPath include integrations with Amagi CLOUDPORT, TAG Video Systems’ Realtime Media Performance Platform and AWS Media Services.

VideoIPath has now been expanded to natively orchestrate complex cloud workflows. First, the new Resource Routing concept automates and simplifies cloud connectivity so that operators can route signals to cloud resources as if they were local. The system automatically assigns the resources required for multi-hop signal routing and conversion on the fly.

Second, the new Dynamic Resource Orchestration functionality allows cloud or on-prem software resources to be launched on demand for these workflows, and spun down when no longer required.

Nevion Sony networked Live camera

Finally, VideoIPath now has native support for SRT streams and connection modes, NDI source discovery and NDI signal routing between cloud resources. This functionality complements the existing support for JPEG XS / HEVC / AVC transport stream over IP connection management.

Jan Helgesen, Head of Product and Solutions at Nevion said, “This new VideoIPath functionality is very effective. For example, if a production requires an on-premises SMPTE ST 2110 signal to be forwarded to a cloud-based switcher, multi-viewer or other resource, VideoIPath can initiate an SRT receiver in the cloud, route the ground-based signal through an HEVC over SRT GCCG gateway onto the cloud-based SRT receiver, and then forward the NDI output of the receiver to the required cloud resource.

“When the production work is done, VideoIPath can end the connections and terminate the resources. All this is done in a way that is fully automated and does not need to involve production staff.”

An example of this use case will be demonstrated at IBC 2024, showing a simplified connectivity for Sony’s M2L-X live production switcher for software-based workflows, utilizing cloud connectivity from Sony, AWS, Techex and Comprimato. This demonstration will show VideoIPath’s new resource routing and dynamic resource orchestration, with Techex’s tx darwin media gateway instances being deployed as needed to support the GCCG workflow. 

tx darwin is designed for hybrid and pure cloud software workflows for contribution, mezzanine and distribution use cases. It carries out live media processing, transport and monitoring through secure micro-services.

“The orchestration across ground and cloud production resources, and the ability to optimize the use of those resources, are a fundamental part of our Networked Live vision,” Jan said. “We believe that hybrid live production is the future, and VideoIPath is key to making this a practical reality.”

VideoIPath’s cloud capabilities will be demonstrated on the Sony stand at IBC 2024, in Amsterdam, 13-16 September.