Radio France adopted Dalet Flex to update its workflow, asset management and media production capabilities, with a modern, secure architecture ready for integration.

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France Culture

National public broadcasting group Radio France operates seven radio stations – France Inter, franceinfo, France Bleu, France Culture, France Musique, Fip, Mouv' and four music bands. The company works with all types of digital media such as audio, video, images and associated metadata files that their staff need to manage, organise and store.

For this work, they have chosen a new software platform, Dalet Flex media logistics, that will include workflow, acquisition, processing, editing and contribution features for Radio France's channels and digital platforms, and archiving of audio and video assets.

Deployed in a multimedia configuration for more flexibilty, Dalet Flex will support new editorial feeds and content catalogues. Its cloud-native architecture and microservices give it the scalability and agility to manage these growing numbers of assets.

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Dalet FlexMAM

Assets are organised in a central library, overseen with FlexMAM software. Once assets are uploaded and tagged, users can browse, filter and sort files, and search for and update metadata. From there, teams can initiate different workflows, or build collections to curate and prepare content for delivery. Editorial can use FlexMAM to perform rough cut edits, exchanging sequences with NLEs.

Audio and video media are handled with equal ease, and other content types such as PDF documents, EDL files and images are supported. Robust APIs are available help to integrate the Dalet Flex systetm within the existing pipelines and workflows at Radio France.

By managing projects in a central repository, all teams are connected and able to exchange assets, clips and sequences directly between the production environment and the central library. When setting up remote production workflows, the users can use either high-resolution or proxy files, and render sequences on a remote encoder.

Dalet flex radio france

France Musique

About 90 users nationwide will have access to the platform and content, regardless of which branch of the group they belong to. Dalet Flex features traceability and security standards, and an audit trail of all actions is recorded for full security. Its fine-grained, permission-based access control to assets and asset fields means reviewers, for example, work only on the tracks they need to.

"Dalet is supporting Radio France in the evolution of its media management platform," said Johann Zemmour, Chief Sales Officer, Dalet. "Dalet has been a pioneer in the transformation to digital media management and automation platforms for radio since the early 1990s. We look forward to ushering in the next chapter and accompanying Radio France as it expands its multimedia footprint."